Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Montagnard Documentary

This sums up the Global Revisited project were asked to make a documentary on an Montagnard topic of our choice. I chose the topic religion: and how its is now. I didn't want to focus on the persecutions but the good stuff and what its like now to be in the states and practicing Christianity. I was not able to meet with anyone due to time but I talked to Andrew Young and he gave me some great resources.


Below is my video :

Monday, May 2, 2011

Is Digital Media Bad for us?

In this final week of blog posts I answer the question: Is Digital Media Bad for us?

I feel like Digital Media is good and bad. Digital Media has opened up a new horizon for creativity and communication, but I do feel like we are beginning to rely on media way to much.

In Nicholas Carr's book In The Shallows Carr discusses how digital media is effecting our brains. I was lucky to read the whole book during my Critical Perspectives course and it was quite enlightening. Carr explains that our society's use of technology has effect our youth at large. Kids now can not even read a book they read on computers or use cliff notes and such to get a quick summary.

This new digital age we have everything at our disposal in a matter of seconds... we need to reflect back on the analog days and what it meant to write with pen and paper and listen to Cd's not Ipods.

I love technology don't get me wrong, the way choreographers are using the new explosion of digital media is great and excites me.

Well that's it! the last blog ( I think) thank you Bob King for the new world you have opened us all up to :)

Week Six Remix Baby!!!

So this week we played around with Camtasia, and Audio Hijacker. I have never used either of the programs so it was fun to play around with them. The topic of our remix was traditional vs. contemporary.

My idea/plan was to use Marylin Monroe a very classy lady singing and then my  new favorite band called the cataracs featuring a girl called Dev who is much different then the traditional Marylin. Then because I'm a dancer I used the beautiful Gillian Murphy in Swan Lake and the new movie Black Swan. I didn't want the videos to all be playing at the same time, I wanted to make a "real" remix with smooth transitions.

I was surprised how easy in a sense it took for me to get use to both of the programs, I'm very happy with my end product and below is a link just in case I can't get it to upload :